dNovo: Biological Reprogramming For Hair Regeneration

Follicle Thought is pleased to announce a new company developing a cellular reprogramming technology for the purpose of hair regeneration, a potential true cure for hair loss.


Enter dNovo

After operating in stealth mode over the last several years, it appears that dNovo is ready to make some waves in the cellular reprogramming space. dNovo was founded in 2018 and completed a program at the esteemed Y Combinator business accelerator of Mountain View, California. Y Combinator is famous for launching companies such as Airbnb, DoorDash, and Gingko Bioworks, among others. According to its website, dNovo was founded to solve the problem of age associated stem cell loss. Much to the delight of this audience, curing hair loss was their first chosen target. 

dNovo’s website, which is fairly concise at this time, features a timeline of milestone developments since 2018. Some of the company’s technological accomplishments include generating human hair stem cells in 2019 and generating human dermal papilla cells in 2021, both feats were accomplished using the company’s “direct reprogramming technology.” Biological or cellular reprogramming is a hot topic in the biotech community these days. In late 2021, it was announced that Jeff Bezos and colleagues had invested around $270M into the new age-reversal juggernaut Altos Labs. Last year, Follicle Thought also heard directly from Turn Biotechnologies, a reprogramming biotech which has its sights set on dermatology-related conditions including hair loss reversal. Ironically, both Turn Biotechnologies and dNovo have scientific roots at Stanford University. A simple explanation of biological  reprogramming is to take a sample cell from a patient, for example a blood cell, and add specific factors or molecules which manipulate that cell into becoming a different or younger type of cell, for example a hair stem cell.  Displayed on dNovo’s website is an infographic explaining their approach. 

Please enjoy reading all the fine details in dNovo’s development timeline and let us know what you think about this fascinating new company in the comment section. 

Update: The MIT Technology Review has covered dNovo in an article published a few days after Follicle Thought broke this story. Shortly thereafter, Fortune Magazine issued an article detailing the same subject matter. 

Also, within a week of the Technology Review article, dNovo issued a press release announcing a completed seed round of fundraising. Some of the investors mentioned include Felicis Ventures, Soma Capital, Ataria Ventures, and Justin Mateen. 


  1. Follicle Thought on January 16, 2022 at 5:10 pm

    Special thanks to reader GK for the tip.

    Stanford & Harvard Science + Silicon Valley Business + Hair Stem Cells = one of the interesting and promising companies I’ve come across. I’m really looking forward to further developments from dNovo.

    • Kizzy France on January 17, 2022 at 12:03 pm

      When Jeff Bezos has a full head of hair I will know that baldness has been cured

      • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 12:06 pm

        Thanks for sharing Kizzy

      • Arias on January 18, 2022 at 11:53 am

        So you wait for Bill Gates to remove his glasses before knowing that short-sightedness can be corrected and Queen Elizabeth to look like a 20yo a before realizing that facial lift is a thing?

        Ps. Why are you so obsessed with Bezos, what makes you think that he even cares about his hair? Women? He can literally have the most beautiful women on Earth just by snapping his fingers lol

      • Alvaro on March 27, 2022 at 1:59 pm

        What I don’t understand is why if this or other companies base their technologies on a solid scientific base, then they take years simply to test it in humans… if their technique were so solid, next year they would test it and in two it would be on the market. … the COVID vaccine was also unknown and with work and desire it was developed..

        • Mike on March 27, 2022 at 2:18 pm

          Why aren’t their other countries that aren’t bound to such lengthy testing requirements from the FDA? I’m sure millions of people would flock to their country for treatment even if unapproved by the FDA.

        • Follicle Thought on March 27, 2022 at 2:41 pm

          Developing a therapy to the point where it is ready to be injected into a human safely and then the actual cost of human trials is much greater than most people are aware..

  2. Jp on January 16, 2022 at 5:48 pm

    Really looking forward to this. This is I believe the third company entering with a stem cell therapy. This is great since this adds competitors, one in Asia (Epibiotech), and the other which is Stemson. This is looking pretty good!

    • Follicle Thought on January 16, 2022 at 6:01 pm

      Depending on how you classify the companies, the number it joins could be much higher. There are a large group of companies working with stem cells in one way or nother. We can also say specifically, dNovo joins Turn Biotechnologies as the second company to attempt hair regrowth using reprogramming technology (one of the newest and most advanced methods).

      • Keith on January 16, 2022 at 8:07 pm

        Super exciting. Definitely sounds promising with the quality of researches snd money involved.

        Do they mention any timeframe? Also I assume FDA approval is going to be required?

        • Follicle Thought on January 16, 2022 at 8:12 pm

          FDA approval necessary, yes. Hoping to get more info on a timeframe to trials soon.

  3. Jade on January 16, 2022 at 8:48 pm

    Great article Follicle Thought,

    Can we say that this company is at about the same stage as Stemson?

    On their website they claim that they already injected the stem cells in mice in 2020 and it was sucesfull.

    Since Stemson are also at pig trials currently I think they are at about the same stage of progress.

    As far as I understand this company would inject stem cells in order to grow new hair, but Stemson would rather clone folicles and transplant them to bald areas is this correct?

    • Follicle Thought on January 16, 2022 at 10:56 pm

      They seem to be around the same stage as Stemson, but it’s hard to know at this point. Yes, it seems dNovo would inject cells somehow to grow hair, Stemson is looking to implant cellular concoctions inside of a scaffold to help guide the growth of the hair follicle.

    • Georg on January 17, 2022 at 3:49 am

      Who said stemson is on pigtrails? I think they only used mice?

  4. David on January 16, 2022 at 9:03 pm

    ….These stem cells should be first grown in some type of artificial skin until they are big enough to transplant into a human scalp.
    .. It would still require a skilled doctor to create a natural looking hair line.
    I need about 20-30,000 hairs. My life would improve a billion %.

    • Follicle Thought on January 16, 2022 at 11:03 pm

      You bring up a good point David, depending on how these cells can stimulate hair growth, people may need a “FUE” surgery around the hairline to create a natural and complete look. It will be a while before we know exactly how this treatment approach works, if it does turn out to be successful. For example, the idea of whether these cells can resurrect the dormant natural hair follicles in someone’s scalp is very interesting.

  5. Crispy on January 17, 2022 at 12:37 am

    This company came out of stealth to look for publicity. I would bet FT could get an interview and find out a rough timeline.

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 12:40 am

      Hope so!

  6. woofy97 on January 17, 2022 at 12:37 am

    great read FT, thanks 🙂

  7. Egghead on January 17, 2022 at 12:47 am

    Good job FT has become better source than hl2020 for me, better content

    I’m put off by dnovo not saying when or how much but at least they have the pic that’s something to be grateful for

    Thanks admin

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 1:21 am

      Thanks Egghead. Give them a sec on a timeline they’ve just announced themselves to the world 😉

      • Egghead on January 17, 2022 at 10:55 am

        I will give them a few days but I’ll be back whining about it… Until then, cheers

  8. Egghead on January 17, 2022 at 12:57 am

    Man I remember when our only hope ten years ago was replicel and histogen…. Phew man… Them some dark times bro

    Now we got an army I’ve lost track of names

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 1:27 am

      You took the words from me, I originally planned to mention something like that in the article or comments. The sheer number of companies with a legit executive team and solid scientific rationale is nuts these days. It’s not even comparable to 10 yrs ago. The list keeps growing and growing, along with the probability of a winner.

  9. Ahmed bekeer on January 17, 2022 at 5:02 am

    Exciting news for years, we have not heard about such an achievement, it seems that the password in treating baldness is stem cells Thanks Admin

  10. Blave on January 17, 2022 at 5:38 am

    It is amazing science. I wish them much success. Unfortunately, like Stemson, I think it will take approximately 20 years until this is in the clinic.

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 10:49 am

      Disagree Blave.

  11. Kapil on January 17, 2022 at 5:44 am

    @FT great news On their website says dNovo’s proprietary reprogramming factors are added. on blood then Hair producing cells are generated. Does this treatment come under PRP ? They don’t mention any FDA regulations if that is the case we are on to something good

  12. Peterson on January 17, 2022 at 5:48 am

    How much money will this cost?

    And is this comparable to Hairclone and Replicel?

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 10:50 am

      There’s no idea on the costs of such treatment such. It’s more advanced than HairClone or Replicel.

  13. Nox on January 17, 2022 at 7:17 am

    Im curious, is it possible forany of these treatments, to cure Alopecia Universalis, tbh, im not sure what im suffering from anymore, i feel like my hair is falling out on my whole body.head,groin,legs,eyebrows and eyelashes(lower part) and chest, on side more than the other. Think arms too but not sure.but it progress very slowly . It began when i was 16/17 and im 22 now.

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 10:51 am

      I’m not sure if this would cure an Areata-related auto immune hair loss. You may need to address the auto immune issue before something like hair cloning or hair stem cells could work.

  14. Heisenberg on January 17, 2022 at 7:33 am

    Their tone seems a lot more confident than the other similar companies. They make it sound like they’re essentially good to go. How many other companies are straight up calling their technology a permanent cure for hair loss? And also, the quote “Our reprogrammed dermal papilla cells successfully reactivate the native genetic circuitry and perform biochemically as expected of human dermal papilla cells.”. Has any other company claimed anything close to that? The way everything is phrased makes it seem like the figured it all out. I hope we can get some trials going asap.

  15. blave on January 17, 2022 at 7:51 am

    Thing is (imo) that these are just 3 (according to crunchbase) guys who have worked something out. Stemson has a CTO scaling it, a CEO doing business, 14 scientists, a bunch of medical advisors, …
    The best that could happen to us is that the companies merge imo

  16. Jade on January 17, 2022 at 9:10 am

    Follicle Thought, I think pre 2014 (this is when social media started to go viral)
    the market for hair loss in men was probably not that big. A lot of men couldn’t be bothered to get ongoing treatments like stem cell therapies or a hair transplant.

    I think nowadays more than ever men are more self concious about their apperance. I saw an article that claims after the lockdowns hair transplants sky rocketed because a lot of people got selfconcious from being on Zoom calls for work.

    Do you think these changes in the social environment would increase the potential market (more men would be willing to buy a treatment or a cure) which would mean that venture capital firms would put more money into the industry which would mean a cure could be found faster?

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 10:54 am

      Perhaps, Jade.

      • Mike on February 9, 2022 at 9:38 pm

        @FT is it possible this can be used off label and skip FDA trials? It seems similar to Exosomes which are being used currently for hair restoration.

        • Follicle Thought on February 9, 2022 at 10:50 pm

          No, I don’t think so Mike.

    • Arias on January 18, 2022 at 12:05 pm

      @Jade I definitely thinks so, personally. Money is invested where there’s a market. Now, for centuries male physical appearance has been a secondary thing, still important, but other things were primary.
      Today I think men care about their looks like never before, plus a new sensitivity and awareness towards male aesthetic issues seems to be emerging: while women’s issues with their body have always (fairly) been handled with velvet gloves, up to some decades ago a man complaining about them would have been mocked and told shallowly to joke about it, “JuSt hAiR, wHo CaReS, ShAvE it” and something like this.

      Let’s hope this can lead somewhere

  17. Shayak on January 17, 2022 at 10:07 am

    Great article admin, turn bio said they will be starting their clinical trial at the the end of this year, let’s hope they stick to their timeline.

  18. David on January 17, 2022 at 10:37 am

    ……so many red flags. Generic statements, no details or science, no info or links to anything about the company, not even its address….and most of all not a single member named. Just statements like “team of PhDs and MDs trained at Stanford, Harvard, and Caltech.”

    Zero credibility as something to pay attention to…..screams of a scam.

    • Blave on January 17, 2022 at 10:45 am

      I doubt it’s a scam. It’s just that their patients are pending. Look up the CEOs LinkedIn, he has articles in Nature. It’s just not really funded yet etc. They are at the very beginning. Hope they find somedesperate baldie in Silicon Valley who throws money at them (or just a reputable VC firm) lol

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 10:56 am

      Very, very far from a “scam” in my opinion. Y Combinator alumni after 4 yrs since graduating? Published studies in Nature? What exactly is the scam, by the way? Web page clicks?

      • Blave on January 17, 2022 at 11:04 am

        Haha Admin well said! I think these are a bunch of geniusses who wanted to use their cutting-edge research knowledge for real-world applications. Also like how they say “after curing hair loss […] ” like it’s a small thing for them 😛 but I love their optimism (and yours too Admin!). Just trying to stay realistic, think they just have quite a lot of challenges to figure out (tumorgenicity tests, infrastructure, scaling, human skin tests) even before clinical trials, which might take up to 10 years. I hope they merge with some reputable pharma giant or smth like that to speed things up. But after all, are there actually ips-based therapies on the market? I dont think so, so I struggle to believe hair loss will be the first one and it will be within 10 years.

  19. felix on January 17, 2022 at 11:09 am

    Certainly more good news for y’all. As an aside, I am now considering the possibility that Kintor is delaying Phase II in the USA until Phase III in China is completed. It has been 6 months since the FDA gave them them the green light to start a USA Phase II trial – and it’s not like Kintor to be delayed on a trial.

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 11:22 am

      Good news for you, too, felix?

  20. Anon22 on January 17, 2022 at 11:24 am

    Not a scam, but certainly overconfident. Just because it works in mice, or pigs, means little about whether it’ll work in humans. They may run into the same scaffolding problem that other companies have run into as well; i.e. how do you get the hair to grow out of the scalp in a semi-natural-looking way? I haven’t looked into the science yet, but cellular reprogramming is very frontier medicine. It will be years before this gets to market. 6-10 years imo, barring any major failures. We just figured out how to do reprogramming in a way that doesn’t lead to cancer a few years ago (and only in some tissues, afaik). It’s not my area so I don’t keep up with the very latest research, but I think we have more to go before this is a complete treatment. Imo, they exited stealth because the current economic situation looks rather uncertain, and they want to get funding before things change.

    That said, if anyone wants to get some stem cell reprogramming equipment from Thermo Fisher and mess around with Yamanaka factors in your own scalp stem cells (just guessing here), feel free to jump this timeline 😛

  21. Anon22 on January 17, 2022 at 11:44 am

    I feel like my last comment was a little bit too negative. I do think the timeline is more on the 10-year side of the range, but I genuinely believe that stem cell reprogramming is the cure for hair loss (or at least an essential and the major part of the cure). It’s fantastic to see this even being attempted, by three different companies no less. Separately, I’d love to know if any of these companies are using some of these new AI-driven in silico platforms for anything.

    • Shayak on January 17, 2022 at 12:13 pm

      In silico is generally used for target identification and new molecule generation to attack the target with least side effects. In case of reprogramming we know most of the things aka the yamanaka factors and how they work.

  22. nobody on January 17, 2022 at 12:08 pm

    Great news! 😀
    Thank you admin💇‍♂️

  23. Shery on January 17, 2022 at 12:58 pm

    Hi admin.
    Is it means baldness has been cured?
    When it would be available?

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 2:20 pm

      No Shery. This company has not entered human trials yet. It will take many years to go through trials.

  24. Ben on January 17, 2022 at 1:54 pm

    Great find admin. I remain skeptical though. I’d like to see a business structure, peer-reviewed papers, funding etc. Could all be there possibly, just not on the website. But only a fancy website is far too little for me to be convincing.

    We had way too many disappointments and scams, guys. Rapunzel, Histogen, Replicel, Samumed and others I already forgot.

    I became immune to new doses of ‘hopium’. This “dNovo” is not enough for me to be convincing, so far. That’s because I am too long in this game, I know it perfectly well. It is always the same mechanisms.

    Especially you younger folks shouldn’t be overly optimistic in the short run, but you will have great options in 5 plus years. Nothing less, be aware. That’s just how it works.

  25. jp on January 17, 2022 at 2:15 pm

    That is my hypothesis as well. It is likely that they want to use their trial results to speed up the trials abroad. It does happen quite often such as with proxalutamide.

  26. Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 2:17 pm

    Each has their choice on how to receive news and where to put their hopes. My stance is fairly straightforward and simple, I see a company with a solid background who has entered the hair growth race and I’m happy, I appreciate the news. Not happy because they are a sure bet to cure baldness, but simply because they are joining the race and expanding the pool. My expectations don’t get so high that I will be crushed if things don’t work out. I’ve already made the decision that I’m here to follow the progress. Though, holding onto the failures of the past is an odd point of view, to me at least; no one is guaranteeing anything about dNovo nor is the content sensationalized.

    • Blave on January 17, 2022 at 2:43 pm

      This viewpoint makes A LOT of sense, Admin. It’s simply more eggs and more baskets! And more reputable people doing hair loss work is always amazing. Thank you so much for doing all of the great work you’re doing. Please don’t let negative comments influence you. It’s a very emotional subject and people follow your site to get their hopes up. Then each time a company does not deliver what they fantasize, people get super disappointed and after time resentful. I really appreciate how you stay so grounded. And I cannot wait for the day when you tell us that a cure made it through all three phases. Thanks, Joseph!!!

      • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 3:01 pm

        Thanks Blave, I appreciate it.

  27. Georg on January 17, 2022 at 4:00 pm

    I agree 😇 even tho i lost the hope by myself 😢

  28. Vlmp on January 17, 2022 at 5:41 pm

    Do frosm what I understand Admin, they have finished phase 1 trials. Do you think so??

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 5:52 pm

      I don’t think so Vlmp, I think they’ve only done preclinical.

  29. Bree on January 17, 2022 at 9:01 pm

    So is there a chance that dNovo’s product won’t require a hair transplant but will regenerate existing follicles? As a female suffering androgenic alopecia (caused by high androgen birth control – warn your daughters!!!) I’m desperate to regrow my natural hair. A hair transplant can only restore 40-50% of your original density. Also, is a 10year timeframe even realistic? I’m losing hope as everything gets delayed or doesn’t work. Don’t think I can continue with this life for much longer….watching all my friends live care-free, drug-free lives while I’m spending thousands, pumping my body with drugs desperately trying to hold onto some shitty hair.

    • Follicle Thought on January 17, 2022 at 9:40 pm

      It’s too early to know what the actual therapy looks like, but it must involve some sort of stem cell injection. It is possible that dNovo’s therapy will only involve the injecting of cells without a typical “transplant” type of insertion. A 10 yr timeframe is certainly possible even if not the likeliest outcome, but once again it’s difficult to speculate with only this brief intro to the company. Hopefully more info soon. Hang in there. Have you ever considered concealing options like a wig?

      • Bree on January 17, 2022 at 11:17 pm

        Thanks admin. I check your page religiously, so looking forward to updates. Unfortunately wigs are a big no, as I live in Australia and am into hiking and climbing.

  30. Alan J on January 18, 2022 at 1:12 am

    Ignore the usual sad little pessimists who comment on here and tell us this is all decades away, if ever (a claim they fail to back up with even a single piece of evidence). This story is obviously very good news. The more companies working on a real cure the more chance we will be there in the not too distant future, and the better chance that costs will come down so that ordinary people can get their hair back, not just the wealthy. Personally, I’d be prepared to pay up to $200K for a real cure, but I know that is beyond the reach of most people. Thanks again.

    • Follicle Thought on January 18, 2022 at 8:59 am

      Thanks Alan J

  31. Vlmp on January 18, 2022 at 1:47 am

    They have not published any annual reports since 2019 so that we could see in an official document their projected milestones……..

    • Kapil on January 18, 2022 at 9:34 am

      Good news Mane Biotech raised 1.7 million euros

      • blave on January 18, 2022 at 10:01 am


        • Kapil on January 18, 2022 at 11:11 am

          Please check above website

          • Follicle Thought on January 18, 2022 at 11:48 am

            Thanks Kapil. Nice development for them. Looking forward to them coming out of stealth mode as well.

    • Follicle Thought on January 18, 2022 at 2:49 pm

      Thanks YoYo, I guess we scooped Technology Review!

    • Follicle Thought on January 18, 2022 at 6:10 pm

      Thanks Sam

  32. Shayak on January 19, 2022 at 8:01 am

    Hi admin , what’s your opinion on Exicure? Do you think they will come out of stealth mode this year?

    • Follicle Thought on January 19, 2022 at 9:20 am

      I don’t quite consider them to be in stealth mode since their agreement with Allergan/Abbvie is public info. I know what you mean though, and I imagine there may be an update on that research this year. It seems as though it all depends on how far they get with their research.

      • Shayak on January 21, 2022 at 7:19 am

        Thank you for your response admin, exicure might be a gamechanger.

  33. Twenti on January 20, 2022 at 2:12 am

    Nice way to start of the new year. Thanks FT!

    • Follicle Thought on January 20, 2022 at 8:52 am

      Thanks Twenti!

  34. Alva on January 20, 2022 at 11:54 am

    what do you think guys is gonna be the next treatment?

    im waiting for TH-07 (Triple hair) the pics they posted were much better than the current treatments, I think cause the synergy (because the ingredients are the same we got on the market right now)

    • Kapil on January 20, 2022 at 12:12 pm

      I think it’s going to be medical devices 🤣

  35. rulita on January 20, 2022 at 1:37 pm

    Thank you, FT, for keeping us informed. Recently I read an interview to top doctor un Dermatology in Spain. He works at public hospital in Madrid, great reputation. He basically said that hair cloning will be the future for sure. He said it would take not less than 10 years though. Interview was 2 years ago, so eight more years to go haha, Who knows the future but it has to happen!!

    • Follicle Thought on January 20, 2022 at 5:59 pm

      You’re welcome rulita

      • Blave on January 23, 2022 at 7:47 am

        I would say the most interesting part in the video is that they signed up a partnership with Dark Horse Consulting and that they anticiapte a series B funding (not so distant). Stemson is promising (although statistically it is still extremely likely that they fail). I find it nice that they prioritize on bringing the autologous one to market ASAP. Unfortunately, ASAP still means years of pig testing and the long clinical trial process. Even without ANY setbacks I see Stemson on market 2034 the earliest (5 years optimization + 7-10 years of clinical trials). In my (very limited) opinion, the robotic transplantation thing is a little bit over the top for now. You can just do 25000 hair follicles /2,2 = ~ 11000 grafts for the Illusion of a full head and let a hair transplant surgeon do it, or even just augment a classical hair transplant with 10000 cloned hair.

  36. chrome dome on January 20, 2022 at 10:42 pm

    Do we put this in the classic only 5-10 years away time frame?

    • Follicle Thought on January 21, 2022 at 8:52 am

      Difficult to project until we hear a little more from the company. 10 yrs is definitely possible.

  37. Elle on January 21, 2022 at 9:32 am

    Article in today’s New York Times about a brain-dead patient who received implantation of kidneys from a genetically altered pig in a clinical trial. Wouldn’t that be an interesting approach for studying reprogrammed hair follicles in humans? A minor procedure in comparison and would certainly advance stem cell research. It’s clear society is starting to acknowledge that hair loss is much more than a cosmetic issue. For many it’s life altering and deeply traumatizing. Let’s get the research into people.

  38. Soul on January 21, 2022 at 12:44 pm

    good news admin, thanks as always. I hope that they can be accelerated in time to enter human trials.

    I have looked at your table for December and notice that “tissue” no longer appears. Has the product been withdrawn? Thanks for everything!

    • Follicle Thought on January 21, 2022 at 1:43 pm

      Hi Soul, thanks for the kind words. I left a comment on the Ultimate Guide article about TissUse, it’s basically because they have been stagnant for so long that I took them off the chart temporarily and will add them once we get a new update from them.

      • Mr X on January 23, 2022 at 10:39 am

        The only way we can cure baldness at this stage is hype , ive been following this page since the brotzu lotion days . The only way is that we get the attention of some billionares with a large enough trend on twitter along with the people of reddit , it might just work to get the attention of a bezos esque billionare for funding etc. If we can make an mRna vaccine in 2 years there is so much that can be done

        • Follicle Thought on January 23, 2022 at 11:10 am

          I appreciate your comment Mr X. As a principle, I stay away from hype because it can negatively impact the expectations of the patients in this audience.

          However, I am completely in agreement that the industry can use a few multi-millionaires/billionaires to get involved and fund more research and startups. Please share a bit more about your thoughts on creating Twitter attention, or feel free to get in touch through the Contact page.

          • Roey on January 23, 2022 at 2:06 pm

            deNovo answered my Email
            i asked to invest in them .

            Hi Roey,

            Thank you for your interest in dNovo. We will be considering fundraising later in the year – will keep you in the loop.


            • Follicle Thought on January 23, 2022 at 4:45 pm

              Roey, are you an accredited investor that is seriously considering getting involved with dNovo?

          • Follicle Thought on January 25, 2022 at 3:30 pm

            I suppose Mr X is not interested in pursuing the idea further.

            By the way, you all are free to share this website with any wealthy celebrity or celebrity that openly struggles with hair loss. There’s so many more people we could reach and one of them could the person to help propel research forward.

    • Twenti on January 25, 2022 at 9:43 am

      I asked Tissuse what’s the status of their partnership with J. Hewitt and here is their response:

      “Thank you very much for reaching out to us.

      The partnership with J. Hewitt is still active. J.Hewitt is encountering significant delays due to Covid-19 restrictions but hopes to be able to make more progress this year.

      We’ll update the public as soon as any significant news are available

      All the best,

      The TissUse Team”

      It’s probably best to not expect too much from them in the following year.

  39. Blave on January 22, 2022 at 4:31 am

    New Stemson Video:

    • YoYo on January 22, 2022 at 1:13 pm

      The fact that they mentioned a series B on the deck in relation to human trials hints that it’s not that far away. Maybe in late 2022 or H1 2023 we see that announcement and they move towards trials.

    • Justy P on January 23, 2022 at 6:03 am

      Are there any opportunities for clinical trials? I’d be interested in taking part, if so…

      • YoYo on January 23, 2022 at 8:09 am

        No there’s no such thing like that going on. They’re not going to start that process until they have received Seed B funding. And they can only get that if they can demonstrate good efficacy and safety with the pigs.

    • Bree on January 24, 2022 at 11:40 pm

      Just watched the Stemson video and it seems like the first product will only be available to a select few i.e. those with money. Does that suggest that the bulk of us will have to wait longer to get access to the technology? say Product 1 is available in 10years and Product 2 available in 15years…

  40. Paul on January 23, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    Question for admin (and anyone else):

    What do we think is the most promising treatment on the horizon? Which one is most worth getting (quietly) excited about? If anything.

    • Follicle Thought on January 23, 2022 at 6:14 pm

      Is timeliness a big factor, or just best technology?

      • Paul on January 23, 2022 at 7:24 pm

        Timeline is a big factor. Sorry — I should’ve been clearer!

        What I meant is this: What is the most promising / exciting treatment in terms of a proper, potentially game-changing procedure / treatment that will arrive first?

        • Follicle Thought on January 23, 2022 at 10:25 pm

          Not easy to make the prediction since most of the potential candidates have not shown results in humans yet. But I would say either Kintor GT20029 or Epibiotech EPI-001 are worth considering. There are some treatments with higher ceilings like Stemson or dNovo, but will take longer.

  41. Mm on January 24, 2022 at 7:56 pm

    I am losing my mind guys im 22 norwood 7 looking like 40 . My love live is ober i can only get laid with wrinkly 30-50 year olds. And even there with problems i dont know anymore. Why is it taking so long why. Is it to much. WHHHHYYYY HOW MANY YEARS . Lets be honest we will not see something affordable in the next 20 years. I am also depressed because of this man i dont deserve that.

    • JP on January 24, 2022 at 10:07 pm

      @Mm get a hair system man.

      • woofy97 on January 26, 2022 at 12:43 am

        hi Mm, I’ve done a ton of research recently on trying to find really realistic hair systems i don’t settle for shit quality like you see on YouTube i know what looks real and what doesn’t haha lol i can help you and I’ve found really talented people that make custom systems for movies and I also found this one lady who is a stylist, and she uses hairskeen system’s (not the greatest brand), but she does a great job and makes them look realistic with the hairline, crown, and color matching. Her Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dina_thetopshoppe/ if you want realism though you have to get if from these guys you have to go where Hollywood gets their talented people https://www.instagram.com/hairsay514/ or this https://www.instagram.com/samuel_james_wigs_/ i have more talented people but i don’t feel like sending the whole list lol right now

    • Follicle Thought on January 25, 2022 at 8:57 am

      Mm hang in there and please consider getting some professional support for yourself. We all know it’s not easy sometimes. The R&D field has never looked better, even if these things still take time, yes.

  42. Shery on January 26, 2022 at 3:17 am

    Hi ,
    Sorry if I leave a question here that not connected this topic.

    Who knows about
    ADSC-CE ?

    • Follicle Thought on January 26, 2022 at 9:50 pm

      I don’t think you’re missing out on anything important Shery. But you can try to pursue the product if you want, I believe it is for sale.

      • Shery on January 27, 2022 at 9:03 am

        The South Korean researchers conducted a clinical trial into androgenetic alopecia (AGA), the most common cause of hair loss. The trial showed that the use of extracts of fat tissue – termed adipose-derived stem cell constituent extract (ADSC-CE) – increased both hair thickness and density in patients

  43. Burns on January 26, 2022 at 10:15 am

    Follicle Thought or anyone else,

    Is there any way to know phase 1 results for Hope Medicine?

    • Follicle Thought on January 26, 2022 at 11:00 am

      It was likely completed in a different indication such as endometreosis or something similar which allows them to jump directly to phase 2 in hair.

  44. chrome dome on January 28, 2022 at 10:29 pm

    FT-since someone mentioned billionaires any chance of you contacting Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and ask if they would consider investing in hair loss research and try to come up with a solution for MPB?
    Those guys have money to burn and could hire the best scientists.

    Musk has had a hair transplant and Bezos is beyond help.
    Worth a shot?

    • Follicle Thought on January 29, 2022 at 10:27 am

      I’ve tweeted to Elon a few times about investing in hair research. So far, no response. I would really only want to contact someone who has openly discussed their hair loss or is a wealthy person asking for suggestions to donate/invest in.

      Maybe you or members of the community could put an effort into getting the wealthy into hair venture investments?

  45. Jim on February 10, 2022 at 6:26 am

    Admin,are you planning to have an interview with them?

    • Follicle Thought on February 10, 2022 at 9:57 am

      Yes, Jim. Actually a brief interview has been completed and will be released within next 2 weeks or so.

      • J on March 2, 2022 at 8:39 pm


        Thanks again for your work!

        I was attempting to check in on the interview mentioned above, but was having trouble finding it? Was it posted in a seperate section from the articles?

        • Follicle Thought on March 2, 2022 at 10:43 pm

          Thank you J. The interview has not been published yet, it does not contain breakthrough announcements, but can give a little insight into dNovo.

  46. Jeffrey Monheit on March 13, 2022 at 10:19 pm

    I contacted dNovo by email tonight. I asked them to consider doing a trial transplanting the mice human hairs to humans to see if they survive upon transplantation. I think this could be a hair loss solution for the time being until we figure out how to get cloned hair stem cells to grow directly in humans. If you agree this idea is worth considering, please voice your support and repeat my message to them. dNovo can be contacted here: founders@dnovobio.com

    • Follicle Thought on March 14, 2022 at 8:54 am

      I appreciate your spirit Jeffrey. I’m fairly certain that transplanting mice hairs into humans as a therapeutic application is a no-go from the start. I can’t say I feel like email blasting them with that same idea is a useful effort. They are now working with experts to determine their best path forward to develop a therapy. I think sharing the idea once is enough.

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